Thursday, July 5, 2012

Time for change

It's been some time since I have updated the blog, but I felt compelled to post something this week.  Listening to the news and seeing events unfold ( Affordable Care Act, Massive power outage, Immigration policy, etc. ).  I was listening to Tom Sullivan on the drive home the other day and the topic was immigration.   Tom did a nice job outlining the policy the US has on immigration and the costs associated by the massive influx of immigration into states like Arizona, Texas and California.  One call in particular stood out to me.  The caller was a Mexican US citizen who had gone through the proper channels to become a documented US citizen.  His take was very simple:  Either you have a plus sign on your head or a minus sign on your head.  Either you are a contributor to this country or you are a drain on the economy.  His idea was forget immigration policy altogether.  In his view anyone could become a documented US citizen just by proving they are a plus sign to the economy.  Come here and start a company or bring a desired skillset into the country and get your documentation.  Coming here just to get medical services or government handouts should get you deported.  Overall I agree with the sediment, I'm sure the policy details would be a nightmare, but I think all of us could buy into a immigration policy like that.

No more bi-partisanship:
I have had enough bi-partisanship.  Let one ideology win the day and be done with it.  In my view Republicans are trying to save the country long term and have the clearest vision for what the country needs to do fiscally to reach those goals.  Spending has gotten out of control and Democrats seem to never want to hold people who make poor life decisions accountable.  I have crossed the partisan divide where even good intentioned Democrats are now the enemy.  This mess we are in now will take a very long time to get out from under.  High unemployment, limited manufacturing, high fuel costs, housing, etc..  One party needs to control all three branches of government to make any real changes and I'm hopeful that one party becomes clear in this election cycle.  Even if the Republicans lose this election at least the writing will be on the wall.  Not that both sides can't agree on some topics, but I think the overall vision for the country of both parties is polar opposite.  This election should be about the size and scope of government.  I think Republicans want a smaller government with limited social safety nets and more focus on personal responsibility and rewarding those who make wise life decisions.  I think the Democrats vision for America is a larger central government with larger social safety nets and more entitlements coupled with higher taxes on the population base that actually produces.  I get the angst at wall street execs and greedy CEO types, but let the free market decide when those guys overreach and not punish the entire entrepreneur class of people trying to make a living in this country.    

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